Finger Builders - Book 3
Level: 3
By Robert Pace
Exercises, including arpeggios and many variants of two-octave scales in all major and minor keys. Structured to help students build a responsive technique that enables them to play sensitively, learn and create music more easily, and most of all, experience ongoing musical enjoyment.
Most people have heard a musical performance at some time that was literally perfect, with each note in its place, and every nuance beautifully expressed. The feelings of pleasure and satisfaction on such occasions defy description. Hopefully, on occasion, we have also felt the same way about a performance of our own, whether it was just for ourselves or for others. These are "moments of truth" where everything depends on your fingers actually doing what you want them to do. When everything goes right, the inner reward is indescribable, and provides the ultimate answer to "why music?"
—Dr. Robert Pace, Keyboard Technique and Effective Psychomotor Skills—
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